The Process....and Future Planning

Why did we choose 'Differentiation in Number'?
The standard of teaching and learning in mathematics within the context of the PYP has been a topic of conversation over the last few years within ESF schools. We felt that an inquiry into the different ways of catering for 30 students within a primary classroom would give us an opportunity to share current good practice and provide practical examples of how to incorporate a range of strategies.
After surveying our staff we felt that to narrow our inquiry to number only, would have more of an impact than to try and look at the different strands. John Marwick and Bec Clements were very gracious with their time and shared valuable information with our alliance. 

Our Plan....

We began our project by creating a plan collaboratively and clarifying our short and long-term goals. 

What are we trying to improve about our school?

We are trying to improve the teaching and learning of maths through differentiation. It is our intention to focus on the top and bottom groups of children in class.
What lines of inquiries will we pursue?
  1. How do teachers cater for a range of abilities for a class of 30 in maths?
  2. How do year groups plan for maths?
How will we pursue these lines of inquiry?
  1.  Staff meeting – introduce project, discuss differentiation
  2.  Observations  - both in KJS and ESF schools.
  3.  Discussions with staff both at KJS and other ESF schools
What actions are needed?
 1. Lead part of staff meeting  (GH/DM/MF)
 2. Target teachers for willing participants  (GH/DM/MF)
 3. Contact other schools to arrange visits   (MC – speaking to BHS, DM to CWB, DM to SJC, MF to DB)
 4. To create a pack to show teaching activities using a variety of differentiation strategies.  
What resources are required?
 1. Supply cover for  MF and DM to visit schools
 2. GH and DM to cover MF – MF to record action research data
What changes will we attempt to bring?
  1.  Increase of awareness of differentiation strategies
  2.  Increase in use and variety of strategies used
  3.  Strategies recorded on planning documentation
What outcomes would we find satisfactory?
1. Positive feedback from staff
2. That teachers are using a variety of strategies
3. Beginning to show differentiation in planning documentation
What evidence do we need to collect in order to answer inquiry questions so we know if it is working or not?
1.  Examples of strategies currently being used
2.  Examples of how year groups plan

What now??????
We have decided to share our project with our staff at the start of the new academic year where it will hopefully have more of an impact and encourage teachers to reflect on their current practice.